Opening Reception – Saturday September 8, 2018 6:00-9:00+ pm
Yummy Yummy features works by six artists – Maddie Butler, Andy Delaney, Conor Dowdle, Lauren Flynn, Dylan Redford,
and Robbie Seltzer. All have ties to Minneapolis, Minnesota, where in 2016 they collectively founded Yeah Maybe, a house
gallery project and critique space showing propositional works by emerging and established artists. The project has
operated in parallel to their respective practices, which while individually distinct connect through the collaborative
curatorial projects and events manifested in the Yeah Maybe space.
Yeah Maybe is part of a groundswell of artist-runspaces that have bounded over traditional cultural gatekeepers and put
control in the hands of artists, decentralizing the art world in the process. Projects like Yeah Maybe that exist on the
periphery of the established art world connect to the late 1960s and ‘70s phenomenon of historically significant artist-run
spaces emerging globally and in the U.S. While that era has at times been cast as a period of naïvete with utopian ideals at
the core, the legacy of artists manifesting their own realities reverberates in our current art world today. Manifesting and
connecting community through experiencesoutside the mainstream art world are at the heart of these projects, and in two
short years Yeah Maybe realized this in spades.
Maddie Butler is a multidisciplinary artist based in Minneapolis, MN. She graduated from Yale University with a BA in art,
concentrating in sculpture and new media. Butler is a founder of Yeah Maybe Project in Minneapolis. She currently works
as the studio manager of Second Shift Studio Space of Saint Paul, a new residency program that provides free studio space
to artists who identify as women or gender non-conforming. She is also the art director of ORAL, a bilingual journal of
web-based art and literature. Maddie’s personal practice investigates the processes of acting and observing, and how
these processes relate to learning, growth, and the malleability of identity. www.maddiebutler.com/.
Andy Delany received his BFA from Grinnell College in Iowa in 2013, and currently lives and works in Minneapolis. His
work explores the interplay between the body, the surface, and space of images, and the architecture within which we
encounter images. For the past year and a half these interests have been filtered through a fascination with free fall,
skydiving, and aerial images. He is a frequent collaborator with OOIEE, and is a co-director of Yeah Maybe.
Conor Dowdle received his BFA in Studio Art from University of Denver in 2015 and is currently a Minneapolis based artist.
Dowdle primarily works in painting and drawing, in addition to his role as co-director of Yeah Maybe gallery in South
Minneapolis. Recently, he has had projects hosted by Radical Abacus in Santa Fe NM, Basement Projects in Santa
Ana CA, and Creative Arts Coalition to Transform Urban Space (C.A.C.t.T.U.S.) in Long Beach CA. Following the
exhibition at Yes Ma’am Projects in Denver, Conor will take part in an artist residency at the Burren College of Art in
Ireland. www.conordowdle.com
Lauren Flynn received her BA from Grinnell College in Iowa where she double-majored
in mathematics and studio art. This duality continues to inform her work and thoughts. After Graduating she moved to
Minneapolis, where she printed at Highpoint Center for Printmaking, first as a studio intern and later as a recipient of the
Jerome Fellowship for Emerging Printmakers. In 2017, she was accepted as an MFA candidate in Sculpture and Ceramics
at the University of Minnesota. Flynn’s work has been exhibited locally at the White Page Gallery, the Quarter Gallery and
Tuckunder Projects, and nationally at the DeVos Art Museum in Marquette, Michigan and Basement Projects in Santa Ana,
California. Flynn and Andy Delany’s collaborative writings have appeared in 3x5 and InReview. As an artist and curator
based in the Twin Cities, Flynn’s practice continues to incorporate both a visual studio practice and a collaborative
practice working within social spaces. Flynn recently completed a period of working and researching in Berlin through
the Berlin Artist Residency Program.
Dylan Redford is an artist and educator working at the intersection of documentary arts, film, and performance. Redford’s
research-based practice is concerned with implementing investigative and critical strategies that visual practitioners (artists,
filmmakers, journalists, architects, and visual anthropologists) employ to understand the world around them. Dylan is currently
the Director of Education at Borscht Corporation, a filmmaking nonprofit based in Miami, Florida, where he is currently based.
Previously, Dylan was at the Walker Art Center as the Bentson Research Associate in Moving Image. He is a founder of Yeah
Maybe Project in Minneapolis, Minnesota. www.dylanredford.com
Robbie Seltzer as an artist has worked primarily with photography and graphic design and has investigated visual representation
of a Vermont dairy farm, the churn of changein gentrifying Oakland, California, and the death of a childhood friend in an
automobile accident, among other projects. His current artistic practice primarily manifests through the Yeah Maybe project,
with his work outside focused in the civic, non-profit and architectural arenas for the Twin Cities. He is a founder of Yeah
Maybe Project in Minneapolis. www.robbieseltzer.com
Daisy McGowan is a curator based in Colorado Springs, Colorado, where she works as director of the University of Colorado
Colorado Springs Galleries of Contemporary Art (GOCA). McGowan has independently and collaboratively curated and
produced over 90 exhibitions over the past 16 years at GOCA, Colorado College IDEA/Inter Disciplinary Experimental
Space, Colorado College Coburn Gallery, as well as regional and national contemporary sites including RedLine
Contemporary Art Center (Denver) and Durden and Ray Gallery (Los Angeles – August 2018). Daisy McGowan received
her BA in Studio Art from Colorado College in 1997, and MPA with a focus on Arts Administration
(non-profit management and non-profit fund development) from the University of Colorado in 2010. McGowan
is on the faculty of the UCCS Visual and Performing Arts Department, teaching for the Museum Studies and
Gallery Practice program.